Berita: N. Mimin Rukmini
CIKALONGWETAN-(NEWSROOM). Kepala SMPN 1 Cikalongwetan, Sumargono memberikan apresiasi atas terselenggaranya In House Training (IHT) Kepramukaan di sekolahnya. Sebagai Kamabigus (ketua majelis pembimbing gugus), Sumargono pun memberikan penghargaan kepada panitia, narasumber, dan peserta. Hal ini disampaikan saat memberikan sambutan kegiatan tersebut, Sabtu (31/08/19).
Sementara itu, Kakwaran (Ketua kwartir gerakan pramuka tingkat ranting), Iin Solihin saat membuka kegiatan mengungkapkan bahwa IHT di atas bertujuan agar warga sekolah mengetahui Anggaran Dasar (AD) dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga (ART) gerakan Pramuka. Diungkapkan pula bahwa Pramuka merupakan ektrakurikuler wajib. Maka sudah seharusnya guru memahami hal tersebut.
Di sisi lain, Endin Mahpudin, narasumber, memaparkan tentang sistem Among yang merupakan cara pelaksanaan pendidikan di dalam gerakan Pramuka. Dalam sistem Among pendidikan dilaksanakan dengan cara memberikan kebebasan kepada siswa untuk dapat bergerak dan bertindak dengan leluasa, dengan sejauh mungkin menghindari unsur-unsur perintah keharusan, dan paksaan. Semuanya dimaksudkan untuk menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan rasa percaya diri, kreativitas dan aktivitas sesuai dengan aspirasi mereka. Prinsip kepemimpinan yang dikembangkan adalah Ing ngarso sung tulodo, di depan menjadi teladan. Kemudian Ing madya mangun korso, maksudnya di tengah-tengah mereka Pembina membangun kemauan. Selanjutnya, Tut wuri handayani, dari belakang Pembina memberi daya/kekuatan atau dorongan dan pengaruh yang baik ke arah kemandirian.
Dalam IHT yang diselenggarakan di dalam dan di luar kelas, materinya berupa games, latihan baris berbaris dan dinamika kelompok. Selain itu, dibahas pula proses penilaian untuk raport. Nilai entrakurikuler kepramukaan diambil dari akumulasi penilaian sikap yang diperoleh dari model blok dan/atau model aktualisasi. Nilai pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada latihan aktualisasi diakumulasikan dengan nilai muatan mata pelajaran di kelas.
Ineu Maryani, guru Pembina, saat dihubungi Newsroom menyampaikan bahwa IHT ini sangat bermanfaat karena memberikan penyegaran dan pencerahan tentang pentingnya gerakan Pramuka. Demikian pula dengan pemahaman tentang penilaian raport-nya.
“IHT kepramukaan sungguh bermanfaat bagi kami, para guru di sekolah ini. Hal tersebut menjadi penyegaran dan pencerahan kembali tentang kegiatan pramuka dan menilai kegiatan ekstrakulikuler pramuka,” tutur Ineu Maryani.***
Sumber berita: Ineu Maryani, M.Pd.
Editor: Adhyatnika GU
Football clubs often become legends. Players dream defend colors of their favorite squad.
Number of fans increasing inexorably. Leading teams support in home country and in other countries.
Matches attract millions of spectators. Introduce popular
clubs from different countries of the world.
Old Lady
“Juventus” appeared in 1897. Roster considered most titled.
About awards it will be possible to talk long. In 2012 the team was named
as the most famous in Italy.
Sociologists performed independent computation. It was possible
to find out that 13 million people are sick of Juventus.
The data is huge. Such help spectators have majority other leading teams none.
Players of Juventus actively contribute charities. Composition patronizes different
• education;
• medical field;
• help with housing.
Juventus overcome crises. However the club managed to overcome challenges.
Team featured thanks to the today situation. Team confidently shows excellent
Football Players every season trying win the championship in the APL.
Total number awards so far low. But state of affairs is improving.
Scheme development may cause exclusively praise. City supports many clubs from different parts of the world.
List includes countries from Americas, Asian region. Beginners footballers
have a chance to break into into the most popular tournament of.
Manchester United
List of leading clubs remain stripped without
Red Devils. This team has become the most popular on the planet.
Fans can be found in many regions:
• United States of America;
• Russia;
• France.
Help club huge. Manchester United originated late 1870s.
During the history managed overcome through many obstacles.
Manchester United is the most successful clubs of of football
in England .
Worth note additional fact. In 1992 Red Devils founded the English
Premier League.
Best stage got on job Alex Ferguson. Club won different prestigious titles.
While about the past glory has only dreaming. However Manchester United still be able
to show excellent football.
Composition first time originated in 1900.
During time existence “Bayern” won title most famous club FRG.
Account about 60 major achievements.
In recent years success started from early 2010s.
Club demonstrated good game. Bayern stayed in the leading lines in the national championship.
Football players managed achieve excellent results at European tournaments.
Club often supported other teams and ordinary people.
Often Bavaria supported Munich 1860. Management
implemented various options assistance:
• profitable transfers;
• friendly games;
• direct financing.
Recently aid works addressed. Club strives help people in need.
List of the best football clubs planet would incomplete without Galacticos.
International organizations named specified squad as the leader of football
of the last century.
The team achieved 65 titles in national tournaments.
To the list you can attribute 34 championships in the Spain championship.
Such results of other teams no.
“Galactikos” appeared in beginning of the last century.
Through 18 years of work composition gave title royal.
Leading positions in local football club tried to take over at the dawn of existence.
Achieve this succeeded with the help of several factors.
The team is renowned for its comprehensive approach to
training process. Coaches pay attention to on several parameters:
1. Shape of football players.
2. Selection.
3. Tactics of action.
Detailed work helps white win championships. About the pluses
of the of the team you can talk for long. More 10
times Galacticos won in Champions League and other European club competitions.
Club not once didn’t leave from the Spanish championship.
Independent researchers name Real Madrid the most expensive club in the
on the planet. Indicative price at the time of study amounted to approximately US$4 billion.
Annual income decent. Squad earns on selection, advertising, sponsors.
Significant income is sale tickets for matches.